illustrated moment

making sense with words and pictures

Too stale to be Freshly Pressed?


Before you begin blogging you go on a metaphorical shopping trip. You are looking for the perfect host to lay your metaphorical blog eggs in – oh, why must I be so disgusting? 

When I found WordPress the clouds parted and the glow of the heavens above showered the Earth – oh yeah, there were also a few angels singing their hearts out. I signed up immediately and illustrated moment was born! *yaaaaay*

You ask most bloggers why they do what they do and they will tell you about their passion for writing. It’s a special kind of enjoyment you get from recording your thoughts and experiences in a way that other people can freely give their input. Blogging becomes a method of connection in the fleeting world of the internet.

No matter what your long-term ambitions of blogging are, when you sign up to WordPress you quickly become aware that there is an additional goal to achieve in life: to be Freshly Pressed.

Freshly Pressed is where the best mixture of articles from all around WordPress are brought together for your pleasure. I have found some of the deepest, funniest, saddest and interesting posts through this feature. The blogging network is vast beyond imagination, and it is really cool to have the staff at WordPress to take an interest in their unofficial writers, and with their help really unique blogs are raised to the surface.

But this is not intended to be a review or a rave of Freshly Pressed – this is an embarrassing admission of wanting to be featured on it, but not being good enough.

I’m a serial Googler – I will google how to do pretty much anything – so needless to say I googled ‘how to be Freshly Pressed’. The results of my search led me to many places which were saying the same thing: be original, write good content, no typos, wait patiently. So I waited patiently…and even more patiently…then a little impatiently…then I came to terms with it. Illustrated moment just doesn’t seem to be original, interesting or good enough. *turn up the volume on those violins*


We know that illustrated moment is as cool as a unicorn eating a rainbow! It’s not our fault that WordPress is a giant machine with so many talented writers and creators who really do deserve the recognition for their labour of love! Freshly Pressed has always been the tab I visit when I’m seeking a little movement in my heart, a pearl of inspiration and unorthodox education – and it will never stop being awesome!

This blog has been great therapy for me. I have a little corner of the internet which is all mine! I get to draw out my imagination, I get to vent my frustrations, I get to celebrate the good feelings, but most importantly I get to talk to all of you lovely people. Sometimes the conversation seems a little one-sided, with me doing all the work to impress and dazzle you with my colourful nonsense, but sometimes you talk back – you write a comment or click a little star to officially ‘like’ what you see and send it my way, and I get the opportunity to peek into your thoughts – gosh, that sounds creepy.

So here’s a thank you to you, yes you, who took a moment out of your day to read about my moment. Writing is just writing when it is static on a page, but it has the potential to be one side of a great conversation if it is read and shared.


Author: illustrated moment

illustrated moment was born out of a desire to create and connect through drawing, animating and blogging. Check out the active blog of awesome and become a follower - so you can be in the loop with all the awesome updates. Enjoy!

3 thoughts on “Too stale to be Freshly Pressed?

  1. If I was in charge of Freshly Pressing you would be ON MY LIST. Hang in there….it’s not you, I promise!

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