illustrated moment

making sense with words and pictures

About the blog

Welcome to illustrated moment!

The story of how this blog came into existence can be found in my very first post! I was excited to create some much needed (virtual) space in which I could write and illustrate all those nagging thoughts and ideas popping into my head. From my all-too-realistic attempts at eating healthier to a new understanding of what compassion means, you can tag along on this illustrated journey. The illustrated moment blog is written by a Disney lover who refuses to be one of society’s standard-issue robots, and enjoys the creative release of blogging, illustrating and animating. Maybe you are feeling low or elated, or maybe you are just finding it really hard to avoid procrastination and looking for some internet inspiration, I’m sure you can find something here to relate to.

Although illustrated moment lacks the skills and drive to make the most of social networking sites, you are more than welcome to start up a conversation using:


Bloglovin: illustrated moment


I’ve always used (very badly drawn) pictures to illustrate stories – some were based on true moments and others were based on imaginative experiences. One day it dawned on me, after some seriously complicated made-up algebra, that my life needed an activity, a hobby, which would encourage me to draw and write more!

So here you are! I hope you enjoy my ramblings!

11 thoughts on “About the blog

  1. Omgosh I love this blog! Favourited!

  2. Hi, great blog! I like the way your cartoon & the story complement each other. Now off to read your first post!
    And thanks for following me! Hope you will enjoy reading about my lunches.

  3. Wow. I am so flattered you followed my blog! Thanks so much for the self-esteem boost! (Am so much in awe of your wonderful blog space here….it’s like a cerebral candy story that you never want to leave!)

    • You are too kind! I am enjoying your blog too, especially now in my downtime when I should really be studying my face off for next week’s exams but instead I am stalking these great blogs!

      Keep writing that amazing blog of yours!

  4. I love looking at drawing while I read a story!! So… I love your blog!!

    Found your comment on the Angry Pear blog and I’m glad I did… a good dose of laughter does this mama good!!


  5. Why Hello!
    This morning I nominated you for the Liebster Award (a peer recognition blogging award). Here’s the link to the nomination for more details:
    If you decide to participate, Awesome! If not, I still think your blog is great!
    Keep up the good work, and have a great week.

  6. Nice introduction:) Very nice. ‘A rabbit fan?

Care to share what you think?